That’s what I don’t want. And we’re talking about cannabis here? A censorship, really? Everlasting teetering on the edge of the law. Nonsense. A rational regulation, effective and fair legislation for cannabis is the solution. So let’s talk about cannabis.
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The recreational c*nn*bis market has the potential to bring billions into the state’s
budget. This is a good opportunity for green transformation.
Dominik (37) is a member of the National Economic Council of the Government (NECG) and together with his colleagues he presented a total of 37 measures at the beginning of 2024 under the title NECG Proposals for Higher Sustainable Economic Growth. Among the many recommendations here, “Criminal rates and sentencing principles should be adjusted; in the area of drug policy, a legal regulated cannabis market should be introduced; and selected crimes should be decriminalised and/or criminal rates reduced.”
In an interview with Konopí/Cannabis magazine, Dominik explained why a regulated market is preferable to the status quo: “As with any other repression, it’s the cost of creating the law and enforcing it. In general, it doesn’t sound like anything huge, but in sum it has already run into hundreds of millions, maybe even billions. Moreover, we have examples from abroad and can work with them as case studies.” So it’s not about prioritising profits at the expense of youth? “Quite the opposite. We’re doing all this mainly to protect young people, and as ill luck would have it, it’s paying off,” says Dominik. And his words show the way.
Dominik’s words are confirmed by the analysis of the Faculty of Business Administration at the Prague University of Economics and Business, which was prepared directly for the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. It is a socio-economic analysis that quantifies the costs and benefits of introducing different options for a regulated cannabis market. One of the authors of the analysis, Patrik Sieber, summarizes the work by saying: “The conclusions are very simple. All of the options evaluated appear to be more socially and financially beneficial to public budgets than the status quo.”
“According to the average results of the socio-economic study, the total social benefits in the broadest variant would amount to CZK 12.7 billion next year and CZK 217.4 billion over the decade to 2035. The costs would be around CZK 7.2 billion in 2025 and CZK 140.2 billion in total by 2035. The total net benefit would therefore be CZK 77.2 billion over the decade and almost CZK 5.3 billion next year. The value would be roughly the same every year – in 2035 it would be CZK 5.2 billion and after taking into account price growth it would be CZK 7.8 billion,” the analysis says.
Commenting on the conclusions of the analysis, Sieber adds: “If people can legally obtain cannabis on the regulated market, they will have no reason to find it on the black market. This could also make police officers happy, because there will be a major shift away from black market practices.” Another of the authors of the analysis, Tomáš Ryška, added: “The regulated market is also the only option that can protect children.”
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