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IT’S OK – At old age running afoul with police? No please

    At old age running afoul with police? That’s what I don’t want. And we’re talking about cannabis here? A censorship, really? Everlasting teetering on the edge of the law. Nonsense. A rational regulation, effective and fair legislation for cannabis is the solution. So let’s talk about cannabis.

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    Most of the cnnbis used for medicinal purposes is cultivated illegally. People are so needlessly hassled by the authorities because of its cultivation.


    Mr. Břetislav, a seventy-eight-year-old senior citizen who alleviates his health problems by using cannabis products, was unpleasantly surprised one day in 2019. The police confiscated 17 plants he had lovingly tended and charged him with illegally growing plants containing a narcotic and psychotropic substance.

    At first, according to the prosecutor, he faced 8 to 12 years, but then the crime was reconsidered and Mr Břetislav managed to get rating of “only” 2 to 10 years. By that time, he was already 79 years old and taking care of his immobile wife. The prosecutor eventually suspended the prosecution of the elderly man. But Mr. Břetislav spent several years under stress, lost his medicine and took home probation. The tangles with law enforcement have real names and real reasons.


    While in the Czech Republic there were about 8,000 registered patients in 2023 who consumed some 210 kilograms of medical cannabis, in Germany it was 16 tonnes. According to the National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addictions, the latest estimate is that the Czech Republic will consume around 17.7 tonnes of cannabis in 2022.

    In the Czech Republic, only 210 kg of medical cannabis was sold in 2023.
    In Germany in the same year, 16 tons.

    This means that Germany, which has 8 times the population of the Czech Republic, has 76 times the consumption of medical cannabis. This disproportion clearly shows that tens of thousands of patients who would like to be treated with cannabis and whom the Czech medical system cannot serve are then forced to break the laws in force.


    RODINY PROTI PROHIBICI. Břetislav S. Online. Rodiny proti prohibici. 2024. Dostupné z: https://rodinyprotiprohibici.cz/pribeh/5. [cit. 2024-08-27].

    ČTK. Pacienti v ČR loni užívali 200 kg léčebného konopí, vyrábět ho smí šest firem. Online. České noviny. 2024. Dostupné z: https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/2466997. [cit. 2024-08-27].

    CHOMYNOVÁ, Pavla (ed.). Souhrnná zpráva o závislostech v České republice 2023. Online. Praha: Úřad vlády České republiky, 2024. ISBN 978-80-7440-336-1. Dostupné z: https://www.drogy-info.cz/data/obj_files/35600/1300/Souhrnn%C3%A1%20zpr%C3%A1va%20o%20z%C3%A1vislostech%20v%20%C4%8CR%202023_v240624.pdf. [cit. 2024-08-27].